
Posted on Sun 28 February 2021 in misc

It's been a while since I've had the chance to post, and that's mostly because I switched from pursuing a career change in to data science, to actually beginning a full-time career (in addition to finishing my Masters degree in Data Science from Birkbeck). However, now that my thesis is handed in, I'm keen to get back to exploring why I became interested in using Python and Data Science to begin with. I've also picked up a new hobby during lockdown, fermenting homemade beer and kombucha, so have started to explore some projects in this space too. Until next time..

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Hello world

Posted on Sun 27 January 2019 in misc

I am currently pursuing a career change in to data science after previously working as a geophysicist.

As part of this process, I have decided to start blogging my progress in training to become a data scientist, not to share my progress through education, but to give myself an outlet to explore practical data science through my real world interests. What does this mean? Creating data science projects that explore the following themes:

  • Geology, Geophysics or Georeferenced Data
  • Gaming (Video and Modern Board Games)
  • Design and Visualisation (Infographics)

The first couple of posts I'm working on are how to set up a free blog using Jupyter notebooks with Anaconda, which is a slightly different approach to lots of the existing guides online. Then following implementing a board game in my coursework, The Three Musketeers
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